WITH 93% of the votes for president counted, Dilma Rousseff, the candidate of the ruling Workers’ Party and the chosen successor of the current president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has defeated José Serra of the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy by 55.5% to 45.5%. Ms Rousseff had never before run for elected office. Her entire political life had been behind the scenes. Little was known of either her politics or her personality. Mr Serra was vastly more experienced and better known. But Lula campaigned beside Ms Rousseff, toured the country with her and was at least as visible in her television advertising as she was. Asked to choose between continuity and experience, Brazilians chose continuity.
So on January 1st Ms Rousseff will become Brazil’s next president, and its first female one. In the end, it was the poor and those in the less-developed northern regions who swung it her way. Richer and better-educated folk preferred Mr Serra, but Brazil has fewer of them.
Ms Rousseff now has some time before she must put together a government—but also the freedom to announce important appointments as soon as she wishes. Her choice of foreign minister will be a clue to whether she intends to rein back on Lula’s foreign-policy adventurism. And her pick for finance minister will show whether she is serious about getting public spending back under control. Despite a strong economy and galloping tax receipts, the government’s spending is rising even faster than its income. Under Lula, Brazil’s central bank was granted de facto independence over monetary policy, which means high interest rates to counter the government’s fiscal laxness—one of the root causes of Brazil’s over-valued currency. A strong, fiscally conservative appointment to the bank’s governership would reassure investors that the new president does not plan to intervene directly to push rates down.
Back in June, when campaigning kicked off, Lula told the nation that without him there would be a void on the ballot papers. He has stood in every presidential election since 1989. To fill that void, he said, he planned to change his name to Dilma Rousseff and run again. Brazilians will soon find out whether Ms Rousseff is her own woman, or just Lula in lipstick.
Brazil reacts to Rousseff's election
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In electing Dilma Rousseff, Brazilians have effectively voted for more of the same.
The country’s first female president will inherit a robust economy and is under no immediate pressure to cut budgets.
Her first challenge will be to emerge from the shadow of her hugely popular predecessor, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
As one voter put it, “Lula’s government has done a great job and everyone expects the same from Dilma.”
She will have to win over the 44 percent of Brazilians who voted for her rival Jose Serra and were left disappointed by Sunday’s result.
Although relatively inexperienced, Dilma has the time to forge her own political identity and can at least look forward to a feel-good factor late in her term, when Brazil hosts football’s world cup in 2014.
Após minha primeira aula de inglês na escola,eu disse: "vou ser professora de inglês". Logo me tornei monitora dos colegas de classe e iniciei assim minha carreira de "teacher".
Cursei a Faculdade de Letras da PUCC e em seguida fui estudar nos EUA! Morei em Boston com uma família americana,estudei inglês no The Boston Language Institute,na Columbia University NY e fiz hotelaria também.
Voltei para o Brasil, recusei um emprego em um hotel em SP para ser fiel ao que eu mais gostava de fazer: "ensinar". Desisti de um job em uma escola de inglês por acreditar em um "ensino individualizado".Dei entrada no Hospital Sírio Libanês, "não como paciente", mas "private teacher" e há 20 anos estou ministrando aulas particulares para profissionais de diversas áreas.
Minha experiência fez com que eu sempre sonhasse em oferecer aos alunos a oportunidade de aprimorar o idioma e vivenciar uma troca cultural semelhante àquela que viví. Este projeto se concretizou com a criação da Viplli.Continuo monitorando alunos até hoje seja aqui ou no Canadá,em constante aprendizado à medida que exercito a criatividade e revivo com emoção histórias que me lembram com saudades um filme que eu já vi!
É o método que visa desenvolver a compreensão da escuta em inglês através de um processo de assimilação intuitiva que promove uma comunicação natural e fluente do idioma.
Oferecemos aulas de inglês particulares e também em grupos aos alunos que buscam um aprendizado autônomo e desejam desenvolver independência e habilidade para falar o idioma com fluência , segurança e naturalidade.
Proporcionamos um curso de inglês geral para todos os níveis, do básico ao avançado, bem como aulas específicas com foco nas necessidades de cada profissional. Contamos também com serviços de tradução, inglês- português- inglês, e cursos preparatórios para o TOEFL, Cambridge e Proficiency .
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estaremos na segunda-feira dia 18 de Janeiro na região de Monte Sião e
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