quarta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2010

Como descrever em inglês o resgate dos mineiros no Chile!! Miners rescue!

É interessante o quanto uma mesma imagem ou fato podem trazer significados únicos em determinadas circunstâncias!!

It is amazing how significant a very same image or fact might be under certain circumstances!

While no post anterior eu  falava da lembrança que o "pocket watch" me trazia, agora eu olho para ele e apenas sinto vontade de interferir no ritmo da natureza do tempo e girar os ponteiros, hands, para fazer com que o tempo passasse mais rápido e todos os mineiros fossem brought up to the surface as if by magic, in no time !!! Just a thing none of us will ever be able to have any control over!

Likewise, the images of each miner being rescued not only incites a deep sigh of compassion and relief ,but also remind us of a saying once said:  "There is nothing else at the bottom of a well, other than a spring for bringing you up out of it!!" Fortunately and literally, they have been awarded with such blessing!!

I wonder what their life will be like considering this unthinkable survival endeavor might foster an immensurable impact on their feelings and attitude towards life. What's more, that makes me think whether or not this accident might have been a chance or even a shelter for some upcoming breakthrough discovery only known by some futurist people who could possibly be part of one of those "secret societies" described in the book "O Despertar dos Mágicos" de Louis Pauwels e Jacques Bergier.Who Knows??

Anyway, how long every fraction of a second  trapped under that dimmed rocky cave might have lasted to each one of them , is surely a total singular experience on the size of their individual capability to cope with extreme stress and difficulties in an unexpected allien condition  in which no "pocket watches" would ever be able to time !!

Exercises: Can you describe what has been going on the scene of the accident by using some of the words below ? ...Watching the videos will help you as well
  • The miners who spent 69 agonizing days ....
  • where they have been trapped for more than two months
  • the men climbed into a slender cage ....
  • pulled to the surface
  • hoisted one by one
  • missile-like escape capsule
  • made a smooth ascent into fresh air.....
  • each miner squeezed into a small cylindrical cage for the ascent to the surface, which took about 15 minutes on the way_a tense claustrophobic ride of more than 2000 feet
  • they were monitored by video on the way up for any sign of panic...
  • As it traveled down and up, down and up, the rescue capsule was not rotating ...
Below a link to some news on the miners rescue. Listen and practice your vocabulary!

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