quarta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2010

Dreams coming true!!!

I wish you can make "your dreams come true" in this coming decade!!

Como recebi um comentário muito bacana no blog da Viplli a respeito do meu post sobre nosso Programa Vip de Imersão , decidi postar este video também aqui. Quem sabe muitas pessoas vão se motivar a realizar o seu sonho de falar inglês!

Pinocchio (pronounced [piˈnɔkːjo] in Italian) is a fictional character that first appeared in 1883, in The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi, and has since appeared in many adaptations of that story and others. Carved from a piece of pine by a woodcarver named Geppetto in a small Italian village, he was created as a wooden puppet, but dreamt of becoming a real boy. The name Pinocchio is a Tuscan word meaning "pine nut" (the standard Italian term is pinolo pronounced [piˈnɔːlo])).

Pinocchio story: http://www.childrenstory.info/childrenstories/pinocchio.html

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