THE PRESIDENT: Hello, Rio de Janeiro!
AUDIENCE MEMBER: Many welcomes!
THE PRESIDENT: Alô, Cidade Maravilhosa! (Applause.) Boa tarde, todo o povo brasileiro. (Applause.)
Since the moment we arrived, the people of this nation have graciously shown my family the warmth and generosity of the Brazilian spirit. Obrigado. Thank you. (Applause.) And I want to give a special thanks to all of you for being here, because I’ve been told that there’s a Vasco football game coming. (Cheers and boos.) Botafogo — (laughter.) So I know that — I realize Brazilians don’t give up their soccer very easily. (Laughter.)
Now, one of my earliest impressions of Brazil was a movie I saw with my mother as a very young child, a movie called Black Orpheus, that is set in the favelas of Rio during Carnival. And my mother loved that movie, with its singing and dancing against the backdrop of the beautiful green hills. And it first premiered as a play right here in Teatro Municipal. That’s my understanding.
And my mother is gone now, but she would have never imagined that her son’s first trip to Brazil would be as President of the United States. She would have never imagined that. (Applause.) And I never imagined that this country would be even more beautiful than it was in the movie. You are, as Jorge Ben-Jor sang, “A tropical country, blessed by God, and beautiful by nature.” (Applause.)
I’ve seen that beauty in the cascading hillsides, in your endless miles of sand and ocean, and in the vibrant, diverse gatherings of brasileiros who have come here today.
And we have a wonderfully mixed group. We have Cariocas and Paulistas, Baianas, Mineiros. (Applause.) We’ve got men and women from the cities to the interior, and so many young people here who are the great future of this great nation.
Now, yesterday, I met with your wonderful new President, Dilma Rousseff, and talked about how we can strengthen the partnership between our governments. But today, I want to speak directly to the Brazilian people about how we can strengthen the friendship between our nations. I’ve come here to share some ideas because I want to speak of the values that we share, the hopes that we have in common, and the difference that we can make together.
When you think about it, the journeys of the United States of America and Brazil began in similar ways. Our lands are rich with God’s creation, home to ancient and indigenous peoples. From overseas, the Americas were discovered by men who sought a New World, and settled by pioneers who pushed westward, across vast frontiers. We became colonies claimed by distant crowns, but soon declared our independence. We then welcomed waves of immigrants to our shores, and eventually after a long struggle, we cleansed the stain of slavery from our land.
The United States was the first nation to recognize Brazil’s independence, and set up a diplomatic outpost in this country. The first head of state to visit the United States was the leader of Brazil, Dom Pedro II. In the Second World War, our brave men and women fought side-by-side for freedom. And after the war, both of our nations struggled to achieve the full blessings of liberty.
On the streets of the United States, men and women marched and bled and some died so that every citizen could enjoy the same freedoms and opportunities — no matter what you looked like, no matter where you came from.
In Brazil, you fought against two decades of dictatorships for the same right to be heard — the right to be free from fear, free from want. And yet, for years, democracy and development were slow to take hold, and millions suffered as a result.
But I come here today because those days have passed. Brazil today is a flourishing democracy — a place where people are free to speak their mind and choose their leaders; where a poor kid from Pernambuco can rise from the floors of a copper factory to the highest office in Brazil.
Over the last decade, the progress made by the Brazilian people has inspired the world. More than half of this nation is now considered middle class. Millions have been lifted from poverty. For the first time, hope is returning to places where fear had long prevailed. I saw this today when I visited Cidade de Deus — the City of God. (Applause.)
It isn’t just the new security efforts and social programs — and I want to congratulate the mayor and the governor for the excellent work that they’re doing. (Applause.) But it’s also a change in attitudes. As one young resident said, “People have to look at favelas not with pity, but as a source of presidents and lawyers and doctors, artists, [and] people with solutions.” (Applause.)
With each passing day, Brazil is a country with more solutions. In the global community, you’ve gone from relying on the help of other nations, to now helping fight poverty and disease wherever they exist. You play an important role in the global institutions that protect our common security and promote our common prosperity. And you will welcome the world to your shores when the World Cup and the Olympic games come to Rio de Janeiro. (Applause.)
Now, you may be aware that this city was not my first choice for the Summer Olympics. (Laughter.) But if the games could not be held in Chicago, then there’s no place I’d rather see them than right here in Rio. And I intend to come back in 2016 to watch what happens. (Applause.)
For so long, Brazil was a nation brimming with potential but held back by politics, both at home and abroad. For so long, you were called a country of the future, told to wait for a better day that was always just around the corner.
Meus amigos, that day has finally come. And this is a country of the future no more. The people of Brazil should know that the future has arrived. It is here now. And it’s time to seize it. (Applause.)
Now, our countries have not always agreed on everything. And just like many nations, we’re going to have our differences of opinion going forward. But I’m here to tell you that the American people don’t just recognize Brazil’s success — we root for Brazil’s success. As you confront the many challenges you still face at home as well as abroad, let us stand together — not as senior and junior partners, but as equal partners, joined in a spirit of mutual interest and mutual respect, committed to the progress that I know that we can make together. (Applause.) I’m confident we can do it. (Applause.)
Together we can advance our common prosperity. As two of the world’s largest economies, we worked side by side during the financial crisis to restore growth and confidence. And to keep our economies growing, we know what’s necessary in both of our nations. We need a skilled, educated workforce — which is why American and Brazilian companies have pledged to help increase student exchanges between our two nations.
We need a commitment to innovation and technology — which is why we’ve agreed to expand cooperation between our scientists, researchers, and engineers.
We need world-class infrastructure — which is why American companies want to help you build and prepare this city for Olympic success.
In a global economy, the United States and Brazil should expand trade, expand investment, so that we create new jobs and new opportunities in both of our nations. And that’s why we’re working to break down barriers to doing business. That’s why we’re building closer relationships between our workers and our entrepreneurs.
Together we can also promote energy security and protect our beautiful planet. As two nations that are committed to greener economies, we know that the ultimate solution to our energy challenges lies in clean and renewable power. And that’s why half the vehicles in this country can run on biofuels, and most of your electricity comes from hydropower. That’s also why, in the United States, we’ve jumpstarted a new clean energy industry. And that’s why the United States and Brazil are creating new energy partnerships — to share technologies, create new jobs, and leave our children a world that is cleaner and safer than we found it. (Applause.)
Together, our two nations can also help defend our citizens’ security. We’re working together to stop narco-trafficking that has destroyed too many lives in this hemisphere. We seek the goal of a world without nuclear weapons. We’re working together to enhance nuclear security across our hemisphere. From Africa to Haiti, we are working side by side to combat the hunger, disease, and corruption that can rot a society and rob human beings of dignity and opportunity. (Applause.) And as two countries that have been greatly enriched by our African heritage, it’s absolutely vital that we are working with the continent of Africa to help lift it up. That is something that we should be committed to doing together. (Applause.)
Today, we’re both also delivering assistance and support to the Japanese people at their greatest hour of need. The ties that bind our nations to Japan are strong. In Brazil, you are home to the largest Japanese population outside of Japan. In the United States, we forged an alliance of more than 60 years. The people of Japan are some of our closest friends, and we will pray with them, and stand with them, and rebuild with them until this crisis has passed. (Applause.)
In these and other efforts to promote peace and prosperity throughout the world, the United States and Brazil are partners not just because we share history, not just because we’re in the same hemisphere; not just because we share ties of commerce and culture, but also because we share certain enduring values and ideals.
We both believe in the power and promise of democracy. We believe that no other form of government is more effective at promoting growth and prosperity that reaches every human being
The Rio Carnival Parade or Samba Parade is undoubtedly the highlight of the Rio Carnival, a totally unique event in the world. It is something everybody has to experience at least once in life.
The Samba Parade is a highly orchestrated show of vast proportions. You will experience (and probably dance to) such a spectacular show that you certainly have never seen before. The Samba Parade is often referred to as 'The biggest Show on Earth'.
The venue of the Samba Parade, the Sambodromo, can seat around 70,000 people.
Thus you should buy your Samba Parade tickets well in advance not to get disappointed. Do not leave it to the last minute as tickets sell out and prices increase with time.
Seat types
There are two types of seats: grand stand seats and numberedseats, Grand Stand seats (bleachers or "arquibancadas") offer free seating with no allocated seats. You can get as high and will sit wherever you want and can.
Allocated/numbered seats are either in boxes/suites or there are on numbered chairs.
Boxes are covered and offer VIP seating and services (the suites) or open in front of the sectors.
The front boxes ("frisas") are right on the samba run-way.
Suites offer the only covered seating and are the most comfortable and stylish boxes, offering special services such as free food and drinks the whole night.
The numbered chairs are at the very end of the the samba run-way, at Apotheosis Square. They are placed on steps for better views
Near the drummers' niche:
The drummers of every school stop, perform and play in the drummers’ niche where the atmosphere is the most intense. The front boxes in front of Sector 4 are located just opposite, offering the best acoustics and full view of their performance.
Who is who in the Parade
King of Carnaval (King Momo)
"Momo" is the name of the god of mockery in the Greek mythology, and according to Carnival tradition, King Momo should be jolly and as big as a house. Legend suggests that he was expulsed from the Olympus to come and settle down in Rio, the City of Carnival. The Rio Carnival officially opens with the delivery of the key of the city to King Momo. When King Momo sambas, everything - sequins, feathers and flesh and all people around should also samba with him. He opens all major Carnival events including the Samba Parades.
Queen and Princesses of Carnival
The Queen of Carnival is chosen by contest based on her beauty, self-assurance, sociability, ease of expression, congeniality and samba abilities but all in all she must have the "carnival spirit". The 2nd and the 3rd place candidates in the contest are named the Princesses of Carnival.
Carnival Designer (Carnavalesco)
He is responsible for the artistic work of designing, producing and directing the school's parade. Sometimes they chose and write the schools's theme of the year, too. They design every costume and float, choose and supervise the purchasing of materials, administer the construction and manufacture of floats, costumes and accessories.
Wing (Ala)
They are the building blocks of a school's parade - the school is split into several of them. A group of 20-100 people wearing the same costume and having the same purpose. The costume will illustrate a particular aspect of the school's theme. Every wing has a president who is responsible for the costumes (production and sales) and co-ordination of all the wing´s members' parade.
Vanguard Commission
This is the opening wing of a school. A group of 12-15 dancers with a highly choreographed routine, who parade at the front of the school, "introducing" it to the crowd.
The Flag Bearer and her Escort
She is carrying and presenting the school's flag, as the symbol of the School, while the couple is dancing down the Avenue. He is there to protect her (originally he had a knife to make sure that the other schools are not damaging the flag, making them loose the competition). Their dance is the most elaborate and elegant. The schools have more than one couple of flag bearers but only the front one (in front of the drummer group) is important and gains scores.
Swirling Ladies (Baianas)
Older women dressed in glitzy variations of the traditional costume of Bahia state, with huge skirts having tubes inserted inside so that they lend themselves for some beautiful swirling. Swirling down the Avenue, they represent the soul of the samba schools, their African roots. They are old ladies of the community, who have already been with the same School for many years like the samba dancers. This is an absolute honor and the samba school pays for their costumes. They are much respected and often get a round of applause when passing by.
Percussion Band (Bateria)
This is the beating heart of the School comprising of 250-350 percussionist mainly drummers. It lends life and energy to the whole parade.
There is main male well-known vocalist who is accompanied by many others. They are usually on top of the sound truck right behind the percussionists or march along the samba run-way.
Queen of the Drummers
A beautiful female samba dancer in front of and introducing the Percussionists to the crowd. She is supposed to motivate and inspire the hundreds of male drummers behind her.
Samba Dancers (Passistas)
A small wing of the finest samba dancers of the school - no more than 15-20. It's very hard to dance the samba at Rio´s speed whilst moving forward at nearly walking pace for 700m (1/2 mile) - the samba dancers are a star turn. They are chosen through competition each year and is certainly high honor to take this role.
Stewards of the Flow (Harmonia)
Each float and each wing has a number of dedicated stewards to ensure that the flow is kept up. They will wear the T shirt of their wing or float. There are penalty points if the school takes too long to parade and points are also lost in the Rio Samba Parade if there are any gaps between or inside the wings.
Após minha primeira aula de inglês na escola,eu disse: "vou ser professora de inglês". Logo me tornei monitora dos colegas de classe e iniciei assim minha carreira de "teacher".
Cursei a Faculdade de Letras da PUCC e em seguida fui estudar nos EUA! Morei em Boston com uma família americana,estudei inglês no The Boston Language Institute,na Columbia University NY e fiz hotelaria também.
Voltei para o Brasil, recusei um emprego em um hotel em SP para ser fiel ao que eu mais gostava de fazer: "ensinar". Desisti de um job em uma escola de inglês por acreditar em um "ensino individualizado".Dei entrada no Hospital Sírio Libanês, "não como paciente", mas "private teacher" e há 20 anos estou ministrando aulas particulares para profissionais de diversas áreas.
Minha experiência fez com que eu sempre sonhasse em oferecer aos alunos a oportunidade de aprimorar o idioma e vivenciar uma troca cultural semelhante àquela que viví. Este projeto se concretizou com a criação da Viplli.Continuo monitorando alunos até hoje seja aqui ou no Canadá,em constante aprendizado à medida que exercito a criatividade e revivo com emoção histórias que me lembram com saudades um filme que eu já vi!
É o método que visa desenvolver a compreensão da escuta em inglês através de um processo de assimilação intuitiva que promove uma comunicação natural e fluente do idioma.
Oferecemos aulas de inglês particulares e também em grupos aos alunos que buscam um aprendizado autônomo e desejam desenvolver independência e habilidade para falar o idioma com fluência , segurança e naturalidade.
Proporcionamos um curso de inglês geral para todos os níveis, do básico ao avançado, bem como aulas específicas com foco nas necessidades de cada profissional. Contamos também com serviços de tradução, inglês- português- inglês, e cursos preparatórios para o TOEFL, Cambridge e Proficiency .
Existe espaço ainda para contos de fada? Talvez para algumas crianças.
Talvez para algumas pessoas que gostam de se iludir. Mas em Anora, não
existe espaço...
Devido à grande procura por informações sobre intercâmbio para o Canadá
estaremos na segunda-feira dia 18 de Janeiro na região de Monte Sião e
Águas de Lin...